Summerboard Mobile App

Join us in beta-testing the new Summerboard mobile app on iOS and Android

Download on the Apple App Store here

Download from the Google Play Store here

Main Screen

Control Center

Firmware Update Tips:


(1) the update takes a total of 3-5 minutes

(2) if you downloaded prior to July 5th 2021, please delete your version and update again using the links above

(3) do not use your mobile device for any other programs during updating

(4) if the update fails, then turn off the board for 30 seconds, turn back on, and try again

(5) note the firmware version before you get started (will likely be 0.0.0, XAv0.6.1 or XAv0.6.3)

(6) successful firmware update is version 0.7.4

(7) ignore message 'board busy' when you click the 'update firmware' button

(8) if your remote battery level doesn't show up, then use the remote control updater at to update the software via computer/USB cable

(9) let us know if you have any issues!